CONGRATULATIONS to our youth orchestras on their first concerts of the season!
Thanks to ESYO’s outstanding musicians, they were a resounding success! The December concerts were met with tremendous applause from the audience and proud smiles from the stage. Then in February and March, our younger ensembles had their chance on stage. See below to watch and listen!
* String Academy 1 and String Academy 2 *
Our most recent concerts in March brought together nine different strings classes from our String Academy program. With 75 students per night, the two concerts demonstrated the amazing progress they’ve achieved in just a few short months. They did a terrific job!
In February, the two String Academy 2 groups performed together for the first time. They sounded fantastic! Conductors Lauralie Kallinen and Dale Bradley led the 30-piece string orchestra in a variety of increasingly challenging tunes.
** Congratulations on your final Spring 2022 Concert!
* December 2022 Concert Series – YS, JO, LS *
Youth Symphony
Our top orchestra started the concert series with a magnificent performance. Dr. David Jacobs led these fine musicians in an outstanding demonstration of their skills and musicianship with three stunning performances. The audience was mesmerized by the beautiful Hebrides Overture, followed by a contrasting movement from Haydn’s 100th Symphony.
Then came a tremendous performance of the full Beethoven Symphony #1. Truly a wonderful evening of beautiful music.
Listen to the concert below. Flip through the program book by clicking HERE.
Little Symphony
The following night Dale Bradley led the first half of the concert with the up-and-coming string players of LS in their first performance of the season. It was a delightful concert, showing the amazing amount of progress they have already made this year!
Junior Orchestra
Then JO took the stage to play a wonderful set of pieces led by conductor Chris Noel. Our second-tier full orchestra, the musicians played an impressive variety of music including a fun wind ensemble set, the popular Plink, Plank, Plunk and ending with the exciting Russian Sailor’s Dance.
For the grand finale, Little Symphony joined them on stage for a rousing rendition of the Hallelujah chorus with 75 youth musicians! It was a wonderful experience for them all – and for the large appreciative audience!
Many thanks to one of our families for sharing their video of the concert!