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Donate today and celebrate 91 Years of Youth Music!
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At the Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestras our goal is to ensure that all children, not just those who can afford it, have the opportunity to take part in ESYO’s music programs. Whether they play for a year, or five years, or for the rest of their lives, the skills and experiences young people gain while learning and playing a musical instrument are beneficial every step of the way. Help us continue making this possible for the children of Lane County!
ESYO is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. All gifts are fully tax-deductible. Feel free to email cynthia@esyorchestras.org if you have any questions.
Types of Gifts
Oregon Cultural Trust Tax Credit: Take advantage of the tax credit that you can receive by making a gift to both ESYO and the Oregon Cultural Trust! If you make a gift to ESYO, then make a matching gift to the Trust by Dec. 31, you’ll get it back as a tax credit. Visit their website at https://culturaltrust.org/get-involved/donate/ or call 503-986-0088.
- General Donations: Give what you can as a one-time or recurring gift, and receive recognition in each concert program. (You may opt out of monthly gifts at any time by contacting our office at 541-484-0473 or office@esyorchestras.org.)
Donate Now
- Business Partnership: Become a business partner and brand your business alongside Lane County’s premier Youth Orchestras. Check out our Business Partnerships page for details.
- Musical Chair Sponsorship: ($75 per sponsorship, per year): Sponsors receive a listing in concert programs under their musician’s name and in the donors section, and a ticket to any ESYO concert. Add “Chair Sponsorship” to the memo line of the online donation form or check for this option. Sponsor a student here!
- General Donations: Give what you can as a one-time or recurring gift, and receive recognition in each concert program. (You may opt out of monthly gifts at any time by contacting our office at 541-484-0473 or office@esyorchestras.org.)
- Endowment Fund & Legacy Giving: Give a gift that lasts through our endowment fund and long-term options; more details are at our Endowment & Legacy Giving page.
Support Us for Free
- eSCRIP: Support us for free by visiting www.escrip.com to register, then choose Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestras as the organization you’d like to support.
- Fred Meyer Community Awards: Link your Rewards Card to ESYO and we’ll receive a gift from Fred Meyers each time you shop! You can sign up for a rewards card at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.
Ways to Give
1. Online:
Make a one-time donation–or monthly recurring donation–through our secure online portal.
Donate Now2. By Mail
When you pay by check, the full amount of your gift comes directly to ESYO with no fees incurred. Please make checks payable to ESYO and mail to PO Box 5666, Eugene, OR 97405.
3. By Phone
You can provide your credit card information to us safely over the phone. Just call us at (541) 484-0473 from 9:30am-3:30pm Monday & Tuesday, or 9:30am-2:30pm Thursday & Friday.
For all gifts: Take advantage of the tax credit that you can receive by making a gift to both ESYO and the Oregon Cultural Trust! If you make a gift to ESYO, then make a matching gift to the Trust by Dec. 31, you’ll get it back as a tax credit. Visit their website at https://culturaltrust.org/get-involved/donate/ or call 503-986-0088.